Sat 11 Jan
Let me Come be your best kept secret!!!!!!!!! Im READY Now - 22
(Southern Maryland, DMV Outcalls only)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
$80 SPL😳 PHAT Booty 🍑! EXOTIC Ethiopian FREAKK 😉ThAt LoVes To PlAy 😜 SPANK me IVE Been NAUGHTY😏 - 25
(Southern Maryland, outcalls only dmv area)
Forget The Rest, Mz. Lotta Body Is The BEST! 55INCHES of azz!! outcall only - 22
(Southern Maryland, Dmv Outcalls only)
ೋ ஐೋ Come Cure Your Sweet Tooth w/ a Double Caramel Treat ೋ ஐೋ - 27
(Southern Maryland, DMV (OUTCALLS ONLY))
Wed 08 Jan
Exotic°·°·°·Secret Playmate °·°·°·Dream Girl°·°·° - 22
(Southern Maryland, DMV Outcalls Only/camp springs in/out)
~Sp€Ci@l D€LiV€RY!~ █ █☞ L ⓞ ⓞ K ☞ WaTCH ME B0UNCE Th!S BiG BOOTY B@CK! █ █ 24Hours!! - 22
(Southern Maryland, DMV OUTCALLS ONLY)
Sat 04 Jan
🌅Rise n Shine!!! 🇼🇦🇰🇪 🇺🇵 to this 53inch 🅱⭕⭕TY! 💯% Real!߆🆕Pics! PROOF IN VID🎥!💲60 Special❕ 🌅 - 22
(Southern Maryland, OUTCALLS ONLY DMV♥202♥277♥3401♥)
Fri 03 Jan
sexy sweet caramel delight REady to come keep you company!!!!!! - 21
(Southern Maryland, Outcalls only DMV)