Sun 12 Jan
60 100 150 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▒ ▒ • AZZ SOOOOOOOOO PHAT • ▒ ▒ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 60 100 150 - 26
(Southern Maryland, CLINTON incalls)
Juggz Got Da💋 Juice BBW 🔥 T(())P 💎 SPECIALIST 💋 Follow my link for 🎥XXX🔥VIDEOS AND pictures 🔥 - 24
(Bowie,Largo,clinton,waldorf*Out&INCALLS;, Southern Maryland)
Sat 11 Jan
Highly Favored! Highly Reviewed.. Freaky.. Fun.. SEXXY STARR!!! call me - 27
(Southern Maryland, branch ave, clinton md incalls only)
Come Get a BITE of this GOLDEN APPLE!! Bliss Lies Beyond These WALLS!! call NOW!! (10 min specials) - 27
(Southern Maryland, branch ave, clinton md ,AAFB incalls)
TOP REVIEWS☝️☝️ What she don't do < I DO! [ STOP ] scrolling 🙋 100% ReAL PiX📷CoMe GeT Ur FiX💕 - 21
(Southern Maryland, 💕 Waldorf 301 Clinton Incalls/Outcalls 💕)
Warm&Juicy; 🔥Let Me Taste 👅A1Lip Service 🍆Sloppy💋 Top Let I'm Gonna Get EVERY DROP 👑 - 24
(Clinton incalls, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
🌹Emily InCall Specials 🍭Stop Wasting Your Time With The Rest & Call The Best🏆 Clean,Safe,UnRusred - 23
(Southern Maryland, Upper Marlboro, Clinton INCALLS ONLY)
♡2 girls♡Come get what you been dreaming of●Nothing like u had b4(● in calls only Last Night!!!! - 25
(Southern Maryland, Clinton☆AFB☆Incalls)
** Hot, Sweet, Sexy n nice let Lexi be your everything ** - 20
(Southern Maryland, Waldorf/clinton -incalls-)
Fri 10 Jan
~~~Come Pla¥ With This Juicy R€dHead Promise To Have ¥ou B€ggin For More~~~ - 25
(Southern Maryland, Clinton(incalls only)
💎Diamond💎 Here And 👅💦👑Ready To Please Specials - 22
(Incalls Clinton MD/Allentown Rd/Camp Spr, Southern Maryland)
A+ Hott¡e ClaS$y & $a$Sy AmbeR WhitE - 21
(Southern Maryland, Clinton /Camp Springs AAFB Incalls NOW!!)
80 NEW Ñ BOTTOM THiiCK LITEBRITE- PHAT ASSS - Gorgeous Face!! 80 special - 21
(Southern Maryland, camp springs, Clinton incalls, outcalls)
NEW PiCS💕Sexy Ebony Cutie On Duty🍭🍬 Come Treat Yourself 🙌❤️ SPECIALS ALLDAY 🔥✨110% Real ~ No Gimmicks - 23
(Camp Springs Clinton incalls/Outcalls😘, Southern Maryland)
💋💋💋New in Town💕💋💋 Thick Curvy🐇🐇 Lilly💕💕💕 - 25
(Clinton incalls / Camp Springs / AAFB, Southern Maryland)
Thu 09 Jan
((INCALLS))😍👅💦❤ Exotic Busty(๏人 ๏) Splashing BBW 💦Always Available - 24
(INCALLS & Out CLINTON, Southern Maryland)
🎀👑🎀Tall, juicy and thickk BESTT Boy Toyy Around 60/80/100 special🙌👅💦💦 - 22
(Southern Maryland, Clinton incalls DMV outcalls)
¨¨*:•. ♥ BiG BOOtY +[[MiXXED]] YellABONE + ExoTiiC= GOoD MOrNING*:•. ♥ .•:*¨¨*.EaRLY BirD SPEcialS - 22
(Southern Maryland, Incalls!! CAMP SPRINGS/AFB/CLINTON)
M@M@ C@T▂▃▄ ✦【Thick & Soft {[Xtra]} juicy C@r@mel【✧ Phatt Booty Freak 80$ spl - 24
(Southern Maryland, Aafb camp springs clinton (incalls only))
Wed 08 Jan
💜 IM ALoN€💜FoRG€T TH€ R€sT*·°💦D@ N G € R O U S*° 60 60 cr€€p SpcL💋 H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð 💋 IM THE BEST - 22
(Southern Maryland, clinton oxon hill incalls only)
Amber White Your PeTiTe ItAliAn aNd GeRmAn TrEaT SasSy ClAsSy & SwEeT - 21
(Southern Maryland, Clinton/Camp Springs Incalls NOW!!)
6o 6o 6o ---—— MONSTER AZZ HUGE TITS —6o specials ◆♥❤❤❤♥◆ BIG BOOTY STACKED SUPATHICK ——— ★★★★★★★★★★ - 24
(Southern Maryland, CLINTON incalls)
Golden GODDESS of Freaky Perfection!! SEXXY STARR!!! call me.. don't keep me Waiting!!! - 27
(Southern Maryland, branch ave, clinton md incalls only)
Tue 07 Jan
🌹Emily InCall Specials 🍭Stop Wasting Your Time With The Rest & Call The Best🏆 Clean,Safe,UnRusred✔️ - 23
(Southern Maryland, Upper Marlboro, Clinton INCALLS ONLY)
Dynamic Duo ☆☆ Gia Luxxuri & Lola Cashh ☆☆ Luscious ♡ Curvy ♡ Kinky ♡ Seductive ♡ Specials!! - 22
(Southern Maryland, Clinton/Andrews AFB Incalls Only)
~~~ Come Relax With Ms. Juicy Booty And Enjoy The Tasty Caramel Apple ~~~ (80 Specials) (100% Real) - 25
(Southern Maryland, (clinton md) incalls only)
5O Specials💞🎀💞💘 №➊ ReQUESTED ⇖✘⇗ BambiBUNZ 🎀💞💘 ✰ =BUBBLEBUTT Bbw BOMBSHELL ⇖✘⇗💞🎀💞💘 ❌⭕❌⭕ H🔥O🔥T 💔 5O - 24
(Southern Maryland, clinton $50 inCALLS/$60 outCALLS)
2girls Are Betta than 1💦💧💦💯Real 💋 🍓outcall specials 24/7🍎🎁 - 23
(Incalls (Clinton ) & out, Southern Maryland)
★○★ ♥ ★○★«PHaT» BOOtY GORGeous ExotiC YellAbONE ★○ = UNfoRGETTABLE ★○★ ♥ SPEcIALS - 22
(Southern Maryland, Incalls!! CAMP SPRINGS/AFB/CLINTON)
Mon 06 Jan
RETURN of the SUPERFREAK!!!! ✿⎛ ▬▬▬ 60 ▬▬ ⎛✿⎛ REDBONE ✿ ⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 60 Incalls - 25
(Southern Maryland, Clinton Incalls/ outcalls)
🌹🌹New Picture's 🌹🌹♡ ♡" Thick Exotic Beauty "♡♡ I'm Available🌹🌹🌹 - 25
(Clinton md incalls & Outcalls, Southern Maryland)
▬▬ NeW ▬▬ PReTTY ▬▬ CLaSSY ▬▬ SoFT ▬▬ BuBBLeBuTT ▬▬ BBw SuPaFReaK ▬▬ JuiCY EXPLoSioNS!!! ▬ 60special - 24
(Southern Maryland, CLINTON incalls)
Soft & Warm👅🔥A1Lip Service👑Sloppy Top🍆Specials 👑 - 24
(Clinton Branch ave incalls & outcalls, Southern Maryland)
Seductively, sweet, & ..*¤*Come see NIKKI outcall specials all weekend!!! - 22
(Southern Maryland, Lanham/clinton/dmv/outcalls/incalls)
Sun 05 Jan
**Specials tastie n sweet wit the chocolate smooth Ms Mocha Cream** - 24
(Southern Maryland, clinton/dvm/outcalls/incalls)
$pclz! ▓ ▒ ░*❤* BETTER THAN THE REST *❤* ░▒ ▓❤ BOUNCiN BOOTY FR€AK ❤ ▓ ▒ ░* ❤* READY NOW *❤* ░▒ ▓ - 22
(Southern Maryland, Clinton Incalls DMV Outcalls)
Sat 04 Jan
Ready to Please!!!!☀️☀️TaStY Petite Sweet Exotic Spinner!!! 🔥🔥🔥🍒 - 23
(Southern Maryland, Clinton /Camp Springs/incalls)
5⭐ Top 💜 Notch 💜Provider💜1 of A Kind & the Best Around!~ ❤♥ ( SNeAK AwAY & LeTs PLaY!) - 26
(Camp Springs/Clinton incalls, Southern Maryland)
Fri 03 Jan
°¤«»N€w to the area DOmiNICAn an ITaliAn sp€CiAl TR€aT100% r€al PicS¤«» 80 specials - 21
(Southern Maryland, Clinton, camp springs incalls)
Killin'em Softly with this A($$)mazing -----> Amateur Adult film Star~ Ivy ~ Makin' Fantasies REAL - 26
(Southern Maryland, clinton Incalls only)